Lee and Lhea
What do you want others to know about Lee?
My older brother, Lee Derryck, was a gifted football, basketball and track star who was brilliant at mathematics, creative writing, symbolic logic and hip hop. Lee chose to end his life two and half years after our mother died of breast cancer.
What do you value most about the relationship that the two of you shared?
My older brother Lee introduced me to hip hop and thus he introduced me to poetry. When I was 7 years old, my brother made me memorize the words to the popular song “Poison” by Bel Biv Devoe. I had no idea how influential hip hop would be on the rest of my life. I had no idea that after my brother passed away, I would dedicate my life to writing poetry.
After I discovered my brother’s dead body, the first non-school related poems that I ever wrote pertained to my brother Lee and our mother. After Lee died, he passed his gift of writing to me.
What advice would you give others who have lost a loved one?
I would encourage everyone to seek counseling. I was 10 when our mother died of cancer, my brother was 13. I received counsel from the school counselor, my brother did not.
Grief is too great a burden to handle on your own. And it is much too great for children.
Keep searching for a counselor until you find one that you feel comfortable crying in front of, embarrassing yourself in front of. Keep searching until you find one who you can tell every single thing to.
If you have had suicidal thoughts, you are not alone. Seek help. You might be surprised how many people have considered ending their own life. It might seem as if your dark night of despair will never end; but with help, this too shall pass. Your life is worth fighting for. If you have lost a family member or friend to suicide, it is not your fault. You may feel as if there is something more that you could have done. Do not blame yourself. Use this period of grief to tell your family members and friends that you love them, appreciate them, need them. You have no idea how much your sincerity means to the people who know you.